Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Caned Katahal (Raw jackfruit) ka Sabji*


  • One can of raw jackfruit

  • 1/2 tsp tamarind paste

  • 1 tsp chana dal

  • 1 tsp urad dal

  • 1/2 tsp haldi powder

  • 1/2 tsp mustard seeds

  • 2 red chillies

  • 2 to 3 green chillies

  • Salt to taste

  • some curry leaves (kadi patta)

  • 2 tsp mustard seeds for making a paste

  • 2 tbs cooking oil


  1. open the can and take the water out

  2. wash the jackfruit pieces then cut them into smaller peices and then dry them

  3. Leave them for an hour

  4. grind them in a dry grinder

  5. spread the grinded jackfruit in a plate and put it in the microwave for 2 to 3 minutes

  6. heat the frying pan and put oil chana dal, urad dal, red chillies, and 1/2 tsp mustradseeds, and fry them

  7. add greenchillies and curry leaves into the pan and fry them

  8. add the jackfruit

  9. add tamarind paste and salt and mix it well

  10. cover the pan and leave it on low flame

  11. periodicaly mix the whole thing while you're leaving it so it does not become burnt and keep doing that for 20-25 minutes

  12. take the whole thing out of the pan leave it for some time

  13. take 2 tsp mustarad seeds make a powder in a dry grinder then add little water to make a paste and mix that into the jackfruit mixture

Enjoy this with rice.

*This is the Telugu way to do it. In the Telugu language this is called panasapattu kura.

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