Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Moongdal Kachodi


  • 1 cup moong dal

  • 1-2 teaspoons somp

  • 1-2 teaspoons chili powder

  • 1 teaspoon kalonji

  • salt for taste

  • 5 cups atta (Wheat flour)

  • oil for deep frying


  1. Cook the moongdal for 25 minutes or however long it takes for it to cook.

  2. Let the moongdal cool for two hours.

  3. Take a pan and put 2-3 tablespoons oil in it.

  4. After it is heated put somp, chili powder, salt, and the cooked moongdal into the oil and let them fry until it becomes dry.

  5. Put the atta, kalonji, and a little bit salt along with a couple of spoons of oil in a large bowl. Then pour enough water so it becomes like a dough.

  6. Make round balls with the dough and put some the moongdal mixture inside it.

  7. Make the balls into round flat circles.

  8. Deep fry the circles.

  9. Enjoy this dish with Indian chutneys, and/or pickles!

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