Thursday, September 10, 2009

0 oil Nuts Pakoda


  • 1 cup grounds or cashews

  • 1cup gramflour(Besan )

  • 4 greenchillies

  • Small piece ginger

  • 2 cloves garlic

  • half cup water

  • Salt for taste


  1. Make the paste of green chillies,garlic and ginger.

  2. Take a microwaveable glass bowl.

  3. Put the besan then greenchillies,garlic,ginger past mix with water.

  4. Mix the nuts like pakoda paste.

  5. Then put the bowl into the microwave for 8 minutes, but mix it every 2 minutes.

  6. It will be dry and crisp.

  7. Leave it out for a while.

  8. Enjoy!